I know this is late but only got my back issue today cos i never got the xmas eve issue. But I am stuck on 3 answers and feeling thick so if anyone can help me please!!!!! 6d king in gaol spread sand on floor R?N?O??. 28a Old church basin from channel islands found in spain surprisingly P?S???A. 94d parcel force with one that householder takes for another ?A?E/?F I do have answers for them but I dont know why and dont worry ........ I never send in entries .... I'd rather buy a bottle of whisky than do this crossword!!!!!! And I alway miss the herald with the answers in it. Many thanks in anticipation
Of course that should be an anagram of SPAIN with CI inside. It's really annoying not being able to see the question when typing a reply. Also, I should have written:
thanks guys for your replies. Confirms what I had and why I had them, unfortunately 94d is the only one I have no clue about it could be so many answers better question is 'Parcel force with one that householder takes for another' (4,2) ?A?E/?F