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8th January 2010, 11:00
I have two more clues that I am stuck with. They are difficult to describe but I will do my best
1. This has 6 letters of which I have the following s - g - e - . The last one is probably d. The clue is s then a loop d. If I had John from Arran's ability with a computer I would be able to draw it but no luck.
2. The second one is s with an upwards arrow then a d. I have s - r - u - e -. That is of course presuming all my other solutions are correct.
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8th January 2010, 11:21
Do signed and sprouted make sense to any one?

Signed if its meant to mean the start fo design moved to the end and sprouted if its s upwards to d (though I onfess I don't knw where the p comes in!)
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8th January 2010, 11:25
Thanks anniec, they certainly fit, I think they do make sense too, in that the arrow is facing upwards, to signify growth?. The loop could be a signature. Much better than what I came up with anyway that is nothing
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