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5th January 2010, 18:50
Well, knock me down with a feather!

Now, how do you make th text bigger?
41 of 99  -   Report This Post

john (from arran)

5th January 2010, 18:50
Hey anniec got it working! Incidentally you can use 16 different colour names instead of the #FEDCBA hexadecimal stuff.">This page tells you how.

42 of 99  -   Report This Post

5th January 2010, 18:53
<p>Here's some
<font color="red">
whatever colour you specify
</font> text.

copy paste this(hopefully)

43 of 99  -   Report This Post


5th January 2010, 18:54
Ordered list?
  1. First clue

  2. and another

  3. and another

  4. and another

  5. and another

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john (from arran)

5th January 2010, 18:55
Hi anniec,

inside the opening "font" tag just put "size=+1" or "size=N" where "N" is in the range 1 (smallest) to 7 (largest). When the browser reaches the closing "font" tag it will revert the the previous size, colour etc. Remember that all HTML tags use American spelling otherwise they don't work.
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5th January 2010, 18:59
So has this worked as well?
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5th January 2010, 19:00
try again

<p>Here's some <font color="red">
whatever colour you specify </font> text.</p>

and when rendered - should be

Here's some whatever colour you specify text.

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5th January 2010, 19:08

If you want to change the size and "color" what order do you put it in? Or would you rather not say for fear of the consequences?!
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5th January 2010, 19:12
Doen't matter font size="3" color="red"
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5th January 2010, 19:13
I have no idea how I did that as I had a comment in red first (Which read - If you think Dawn was a pain just wait till you see me practising this!) and then the second question in large font. The first dispppeared and I got the large red font! So, not as clever as I thought I was!
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