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5th August 2013, 06:32
I now have the whole of the bottom half and a lot of the top ... and, despite having got most of the themed answers, I still have no idea what the transformations are!
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5th August 2013, 06:58
hi all,
finished all but "transformation" no. 8. only common letter in the seven is N. do i need to change URANCHRO or EOMEMDAZ ????????
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5th August 2013, 07:05
Sorry, but I can't help, dizoz. I've completed the grid now (although I'm not quite sure how 12A is made up cryptically yet). But the rules are very strange. I read it that there is one letter common to all non-thematic solution, which is not possible.
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5th August 2013, 07:23
hi pendragon, I think 12a is drawn from touring "unfamiliar" or the word related to the activity that the solution represents , eh ???
only "N" is in all the seven thematic solutions.
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5th August 2013, 07:35
Thanks, dizoz. Yes, the four letters are removed and then it is "toured."
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5th August 2013, 07:42

You need to look at the Special Instructions again, noting that the letter in question is unique and appears in the thematic solutions before transformation.
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5th August 2013, 08:23
Yes, it really all depends how you interpret the special instructions. That's the first time I've finished it before 8.00 a.m. on the day it's put up!
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5th August 2013, 08:23
Try this:,,-28976,00.html?answers=145

If it's no use I can email you a blank grid?
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5th August 2013, 08:35
Thanks, Sudokulover.

Now I can go to bed & print it tomorrow.
That's BC Day & I'm off, so can work on it.

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5th August 2013, 10:55
My grid is full and I have changed the relevant letter. Now I need to sort out where those 7 answers actually came from & their transformations!!
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