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19th July 2013, 00:57
Don't have the crossword syzygy so can't say I'm afraid
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19th July 2013, 01:03
Oh, well. Thanks anyway.

That last letter (unchecked) (B)OSS had me going for quite a while.
The Spectator frequently comes down to that.
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19th July 2013, 01:14
I've not done it for a while...does someone post a link at answerbank?
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19th July 2013, 01:20
DJA used to, but he has mailing list.

I get it from a friend, reformat it & pass it on to a few people. Don't have your address, but Les is one.

Also available here:
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19th July 2013, 01:26
Thanks Syzygy, I might email Les and give it a go next week!
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19th July 2013, 03:02
Have a look at the "geography "of the latter grouping and how it relates to the to the former.!
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19th July 2013, 03:04
Sorry to syzygy
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19th July 2013, 04:05
Thank you, ajh.
Don't know what you're apologizing for.

That was a rather subtle connection. Wiki showed that region in the articles for 17A & 39A, but not 28A.
However, the article about the region tied it all together.

It's all in how one does a search, & I should know.

Great tip.

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greedy kite

19th July 2013, 07:30
Syzygy: i've only just caught up on your correspondence, and I think you are possibly missing something. the key lies not in changing the letters, but in recognizing the French white wine already indicated (with the final "s"); then you have also the third group of famous sites where you find many ****** ! Hope this helps you. I imagine the letter change you mention was not really intended & is purely coincidental. I don't follow the talk about the geographical region, either -- unless you mean the country where all the gr.... & areas can be found --- but that HAS to be a certain country I love, now, doesn't it.................
Please correct me if you now think I'm on the wrong track myself! It took me a long time yesterday, but looking back I find it one of the neatest puzzles for a long time.
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greedy kite

19th July 2013, 07:35
......sorry, AJH: please feel free to come back on this point, too: perhaps it's me who's being a bit blind --- you never know!
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