Every month, on the first Monday, the Guardian Crossword website runs a Genius Crossword. Yesterday I printed off the December edition, No. 78 by Brummie, and was surprised to see no special instructions -- just a regular cryptic. I was getting along quite well (maybe
too wellwhen it became clear that at least one of the solutions was actually the opposite of the answer suggested by the clue:
25a Original image, say, possessed by aboriginal (8) which is clearly N(EG)ATIVE
Except the crossing solutions give me P and S at letters 1 and 3, suggesting that the answer is POSITIVE. This is the kind of thing that the Genius compiler gets up to, but with fair warning in the special instructions. I went back to the website to see if any instructions had been added overnight, only to find that the whole puzzle has disappeared, with the November edition back in its place! Nice to see that, even in the digital age, you can rely on The Grauniad to cock up!