Did you ever find these, hayley? (Addicted, are we?) My daughter is visiting today and she subscribes to Harper's; I could ask her to download them and then send them to Syzzie to post for you (since I'm not sure how to paste a PDF in the message box- someday I'll learn). Please let me know.
Aristo: if you DO manage to get hold of the ones we've never received from Syzygy via your daughter (Feb-June '12 if I understand correctly) then maybe one of you could post them here or scan & send me a copy of each, if that's not asking too much: they're always worth doing, and in case you haven't heard, after 6 days of sunshine Europe seems to be reverting to even more rainy weather in the near future. Thanx a lot in advance.
OK, though I suppose we could ask the new victim (the one with the subscription) to do it.
We had a week of beautiful weather after the heat wave, but then yesterday and this morning we got six inches of rain!
Syzygy: I understood from hayley's original question that we couldn't access those I mentioned from 2012. If of course we got them thru you last year there's no need; if they are missing or inaccessible for normal mortals thru yr links (which is what I u'stood here) then I'd still like to catch up with them 'pour le fun' as even the Frogs now say. Do I make myself clear? I haven't kept the old ones, that's why I simply don't know. Over to you!