Hi friends. Nice to see Ari, Mary6, Jazzy and Andyc in addition to the earlybird Chrise. Chris 4/5 and well done Jazzy and Mary6 for BELLYACHE.
Just got home from Helen's hospital visit. She can now hear me once again (I secretly believe she could hear me all along, just ignored me - lol)
Here are my workings. Hope you agree with the 'pure cryptic' Bellyache:-
1. anag (novel) of ‘opus’ = p ous; a form of lord = a + lud; p(alud)ous = PALUDOUS = inhabiting swamps (Chambers)
2. p + raisers = PRAISERS
3. (cryptic) “belly?” = “ringing?”; BELLYACHE = (colloq) grouse
4. subtractive anag (without & played) of “entering the band he” – “being” = THERE AND THEN = on the spot (= there and then {Chambers})
5. MANDARIN (it’s “in” there – extraction)
Thank you all for participating. See you next week (hopefully)