Antisemitic,Adulterer, Arsonist,Animal-torturer
Blaggard,Bombastic Bayreuther
Cosima-lover,Calumniator, Charlatan
Drug-dealer, Demagogue, Dubious Genius
Extermination of Jews - advocator
Fraudster, Fascism- helper
Hypocrite, Homophobe
Inciter of the people of Dresden against the Saxon king, Incest-committer
Jiggery-pokery inventor
Kidnapper, Knave
Liar, Laudanum-supplier,Libeller
Madman,Mountebank,Murderer, Megalomaniac
Nuernberg fabulist, Nazi sympathiser
Orrible nationalist,Opportunist
Questionable composer, Quack
Racist, Rascal
Slanderer, Scoundrel
Tannhaeuser composer, Thief
Unbearable person
X-rated artist
Y must we celebrate him, even as cruciverbalists?
Zany zealot, Zero-tolerance candidate
I've already been the subject of at least 3 maqjor cryptic puzzles in the recent past, and shall probably manage to be that of a few more up to May 22nd
With all due respect to those who still think one can compartmentalize in one's head an artist & his work, I feel it's time (after the latest Crucible effort in the Graudian this morning) simply to scream
B A S T A !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!