Finished 'FOR SHORT'
Started it at midnight which was a big mistake, had to be up at 7:30 for work, but did finish it around 3am. had to google a few. 13a,14d, and never heard of him referred to as 41a, did look this up and found it originates from your neck of the woods aristo, on the east coast of the US.
Got the link before the anagram, but realised that some of the letters needed for this are in the unclued entries. Ah! The unclued entries, which the Preamble says there are 'EIGHT' , what's all that about???
Favourite 'Penny drop' moment clues 32d, 24a (this had me stumped for ages)
Can't seem to get much from 39a.
Bit of animation = Def
The rest is a tad vague, maybe the 3 letter answer + anagram of 'D A N C E' (another bit of animation maybe) I just don't know.
I'll get back later and see if you guys can shed some light on that one.
Oh, RE:15a, wish I'd have read the links properly first and realised it was the April edition, it could have saved me some time... Doh!