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2nd December 2009, 16:35
Errr, can,t do it again, *********ing machine!!!!!
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2nd December 2009, 16:41
Perhaps the return key wasn't such a bad idea after all... It always works for me! Just like accessing any site after you've bunged the address in the dinky little window. Go on, try again!
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2nd December 2009, 16:59
Hi Robtherich, I clicked onto Poser of the day, went down to the end of the first page, clicked onto number 10, went up to the end of the googly thingy and clicked on to the number on the end (90) changed it to 561,hit the return button (enter), the window went blank except for the web logo and the number 561, I clicked the return button and nothing happened, I hit the back button and got a "Hi to Miami" site. I have a headache now, please help if you can make an sense of any of this!!! !!
13 of 30  -   Report This Post


2nd December 2009, 16:59
Hi Robtherich, I clicked onto Poser of the day, went down to the end of the first page, clicked onto number 10, went up to the end of the googly thingy and clicked on to the number on the end (90) changed it to 561,hit the return button (enter), the window went blank except for the web logo and the number 561, I clicked the return button and nothing happened, I hit the back button and got a "Hi to Miami" site. I have a headache now, please help if you can make an sense of any of this!!! !!
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big dave

2nd December 2009, 17:09


2nd December 2009, 17:22
Thanks Big Dave, see, that... I CAN do, I think poor Robtherich has given me up as a lost cause, and who could blame him?
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2nd December 2009, 17:36
You did everything right apart from the number on the end - you should have put 560 - until there are 571 posts.
basically take the 1st two numbers of the amount of posts and add a zero.
Hope this helps
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2nd December 2009, 17:43
I said "take the 1st two numbers of the amount of posts and add a zero" this assumes that there are more than 100 posts.
but on this page, for instance the offset number is 10,when there are more than twenty posts the offset will become 20
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2nd December 2009, 17:54
Thanks Trevor
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2nd December 2009, 19:05
helen: glad you've got kind minders; I hadn't given up on you, but got on with some of the more boring corners of my life (like eating, feeding the cats, feeding, eating the cats...). So, you're sussed now?
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