Great Ari and Les40. Nice to see Rambler and RE too. Hope I've not missed anyone. Thanks for the kind wishes. I must say you are all super solvers to get these 'cold turkey'. Here are my workings, for completion:-
1. situate (v) = place; “the cattle” supply(anag indicator) = ttletheca”; storm = rage; yielding ra(ttle the ca)ge = RATTLE THE CAGE = provoke anger (Chamberts D)
2. from (it’s “in” there). OTIS = lifts man (cryptic). Elisha Otis (1811 – 1861)
3. steal lead = s; pay = wage; s + wage = SWAGE = metal-shaping tool (Chambers / Ox Ds)
4. chamberpot = jerry; bound = spring; “three” unusual(anag) = “er the”; works = opera; yielding JERRY SPRINGER: THE OPERA = a musical
5. Subtractive anag (coming from & unfortunately) of “that oik rattles” – “talk” = THROATIEST = most guttural.
The additional one.
anagram (could result in) of “US alumnus’ curse”) = NUMERUS CLAUSUS = a quota restricting the number of students entering an academic institution (Chambers D). “in Rome” = a hint the solution is in Latin.
Best wishes everyone, have a super week