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18th April 2013, 19:01
Trying to tie up the loose ends.

Can someone please tell me if 18d connects with 1d or 15d (or neither!) ?

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18th April 2013, 19:07
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18th April 2013, 19:14
That narrows it down!

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18th April 2013, 19:17
By the way, I answered your question without giving any more info only because I thought that might be enough to get you to the right end result!
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18th April 2013, 19:49
It did - thanks.
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18th April 2013, 19:51
Glad you got it finished, I thought it was a good puzzle this week - crafty in places.
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19th April 2013, 01:15
Any hints to the shading?

19D is crossed by "OR", which seems possible, but none of the others have anything likely in the vicinity.

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greedy kite

19th April 2013, 03:10
Hi, Syzygy!
I don't u'stand your prob. with 19d: is it possible you've misunderstood s'thing in the instructions?
You only have to shade in with the appropriate colour (if you have a pencil in that colour!) your answer to 19d, since the word has been left out of the title! Whatever's in the vicinity plays no part in that at all --- in case you're interpreting the "or" symbolically!
I don't have the completed grid here any longer, but I think you may be on a wild goose chase (very Canadian as that may be...)!
I'll look in later to see if you now follow me. Otherwise I'm being unnecessarily obtuse myself, I fear!
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19th April 2013, 03:50
Many thanks, GK !

Yes, I was off on a "wild goose chase", due to OR.
If I had read the preamble more closely, it would have been clear. Not sure if I have those in my pencil box.

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greedy kite

19th April 2013, 13:08
What, you didn't realize you have to be a millionaire to qualify for winning "The Spectator" ???
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