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12th March 2013, 21:25
or Bob Dylan?
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12th March 2013, 21:27
Donovan, I think - still can't name the song
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12th March 2013, 21:28
Definitely folksy-sounding.
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12th March 2013, 21:36
Great stuff Chris. Didn't take you long once a few paltry letters were supplied. I never guessed they'd prove to be so challenging this week. I'm secretly delighted, of course :)

Here is my working. I wonder if you'll think no. 3 is a "self-kicker"? Here goes:-

1. subtractive anag (from & representation) of “elected MPs bars” – “ accepted” = RESEMBLES = favours.

2. A = a; flat = boring (flat = boring and boring = flat in Chambers and Oxford thesauri); nitrogen = N; yielding; a bor(N)ing = ABORNING = aborning (US) [adv] = while being produced (Chambers D)

3. (crypt) (m)ADMAN = he plays a part in promoting

4. opening = pore; back opening = erop; a way = a lane; a(erop)lane = AEROPLANE = a flier.

5. (charade). about = c; mother = ma; whip = lash; a beginner = L; underground explorers = cavers. c(lash) ma c(L)avers = CLASH-MA-CLAVERS = gossip (Chambers Dict).
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12th March 2013, 21:37
I found the song I was thinking of - The ballad of Geraldine - and what do you know? "Aborning" isn't in the lyrics!
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12th March 2013, 21:39
Thanks again, jolan.

I saw that we had to take the front of a "fruitcake", but I couldn't get to "madman" - oh well.

A real challenge this week.
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12th March 2013, 21:39
Cheers Jolan. Wow what a set this week....made some, but not much, headway. Thanks for your efforts. Andy
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12th March 2013, 21:40
I almost put adman, but didn't see where the fruitcake fitted ! Time for bed.....
Thanks again jolan. x
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12th March 2013, 21:41
Pure evil. I can just see your grin.
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12th March 2013, 21:42
Wow I would never have got those and sorry for being stupid but I am still not getting No1 hope you don't mind me asking ?
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