I had to look that game up, too - and a few other answers I'd never heard of.
Finished it, but I needed to really organise the clues and definitions otherwise I got lost. Does everyone do this, or do you just read through the clues and have answers leaping out at you, even though the definitions are in the wrong clues and there are superfluous words? (I was amazed that people got lots of answers, without even taking out the superfluous words.) I needed to do it really logically, one step at a time. I needed to know I wasn't wasting my time but was making progress towards the correct answers.
I'm wondering if that's (a) my background in ways of working which need to be organised and logical or (b) because I usually do normal crosswords, so I compartmentalise each clue and have difficulty letting the whole thing flow together.
I'm interested in the psychology of problem-solving and creativity. Would anybody like to tell me how they approach this type of puzzle?