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10th November 2009, 11:55
If you are lucky enough to win will you tell the charity to keep the prize money. At least then the money would go to a deserving cause.
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10th November 2009, 16:43
thank you silly boy & jim c for clues and web site .will try it out. yes terry i will give the money back to the charity if i win would you do the same?
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10th November 2009, 18:38
janome - you still haven't explained why you need to use someone else's answers? What satisfaction do you get from that? How does the charity benefit from you using someone else's answers?
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10th November 2009, 18:52
Excuse me butting in ....... but it is obvious ..... The more people who complete the quiz, the more who will pay to enter. There are lots of people who will not send in a donation if they cannot finish ! The more entries ..... the more money for the charity ! lol :-)
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10th November 2009, 23:17
But there is a reverse to that
Some of us have stopped doing the ones where we know all the answer will be asked very early so then the charities will lose out
Lots of setters are saying the number they sell are down
I dont mind extra clues of even answers in the last week or so but I dont see what pleasure people get by asking for answers when there is ages to go.
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10th November 2009, 23:44
You say "Lots of setters are saying the number they sell are down"
can you back that up?

Also you say
"Some of us have stopped doing the ones where we know all the answer will be asked very early so then the charities will lose out"
Who is "us" and how do you know which will be asked(in your opinion)too early? and also expect people to accept your non sequitur "so then the charities will lose out"

I sit very firmly on the fence about giving all the answers to the charity quizzes(i don't really bother anymore)but as somebody else suggested,why are you here in the 1st place if you don't want to see the answers - have you awarded yourself some sort of law enforcers badge?
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the joker

10th November 2009, 23:52
You say "lots of setters say the numbers of quizes are down"
I would think that if this is the case then it is more likely attributable to the recession rather than to this site.
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10th November 2009, 23:55
There are so many charity quizzes now and people only enter the ones that they have completed fully ...... because it costs a fortune to enter them all !
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11th November 2009, 00:08
..... and anyway .... in most of these quizzes answers have ALWAYS been requested on one site or another from day one for as long as I can remember ..... what has changed ! lol :-)
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11th November 2009, 00:50
I've gotta say tho,that If I did do these quizzes,I would TRY and do at least,80% BEFORE i asked for any clues.
but how can you learn without asking?
(This fence that I sit on is starting to annoy me)
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