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9th November 2009, 23:25
Don't forget that the answer to 23a must be the actual placename - it can't be STORIES. The answers to the other placename clues are all spelt differently from the expected clue answer (e.g. Wooster becomes Worcester). Therefore, if the clue answer is, say TORRIS (as opposed to TORIES) then there must be somewhere named TORRIS - but I can't find it!
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9th November 2009, 23:50
Oh, drat. I've already posted it and I did realise that it wasn't the same as the others and ignored it. You are quite right, of course. Thanks, Keith. Good luck on your hunt.
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10th November 2009, 12:41
I have a sneaking suspicion that the clue for 23a is wrongly italicised, and the answer to what is therefore a normal cryptic clue is simply TORIES,with no relation to a UK place name.
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10th November 2009, 13:18
Thank you saramite.
I have to agree with you that the clue seems wrongly italisied.
Since Julia first posted, I have beem wracking my brain to arrive at another solution, but alas all the searching for place names with _O_I_S, nothing matches. I'll concede and go with tories as the answer.
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10th November 2009, 13:20
Sorry for the typos - sarumite, italicised
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10th November 2009, 21:35
My first ever forum post (on any website). I agree about wrong italics, and it's been bugging me too, so thanks to you all!
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12th November 2009, 21:15
Well I spent days and nights like the rest of you, so in desperation I googled the whole clue and was amazed to find your thoughts on this website. I thought Tim Moorey was infallible, but obviously not.
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