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25th October 2009, 02:06
Stuck on two clues that are propping each other up. "Couple of followers turning up not outsiders"
I have U---E and it's 5 letters long. The other clue crosses it and it's "Address used among sovereigns - one crossing America". I have C-U--- of the 6-letter answer. The closest I can get on this one is COUSIN ("US" inside of "COIN")but I cannot apply this to the whole clue.
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25th October 2009, 03:32
Couple = unite
Followers = retinue - not outsiders -etinue (lose 1st + last letters of the word retinue - backwards.

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25th October 2009, 03:36
my mistake -
not outsiders -etinue.
should read; - etinu.

does this put a letter into your other clue?
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25th October 2009, 07:59
Many thanks, Trevor! My gosh, that's a convoluted clue! With the "I" from "UNITE", that makes the other one across (10A) surely look like "COUSIN" but as I have said, I don't fully see why.
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25th October 2009, 08:52
COIN (=sovereign) around US

From dictionary,com:

Cousin: a term of address used by a sovereign in speaking, writing, or referring to another sovereign or a high-ranking noble.
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25th October 2009, 20:23
Many thanks, Janie - one learns something every day! Guessed it must be "Cousin" but wasn't aware of that connection.
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25th October 2009, 21:55
me neither Janie blah blah...
...If nobody posts before I finish typing this reply, I will have all top five replies, how cool is that Janie ?
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25th October 2009, 22:50
WOW how fab would never have worked that out!
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