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24th October 2009, 20:15
We are stuck on two of these - number 30. Best friend, Dan, shouts 'be prepared'. (6,5) Why would that be bassett hound? - surely not a bad lot!!
And number 57. To run away twice - not like this second world war soldier (6,3)
Any clues please?
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24th October 2009, 20:55
30) Because of the word 'Hound'

there are other answers where t¡only one of the words refers to a 'bad lot' eg Pirate Radio for no.76

57) The answer consists of 2 words each of which has a meaning ' to run away' twice.
think of the Nickname given to El Alamein troops
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24th October 2009, 20:58
30) is anagram of 'Dan shouts be' (prepared signalling the anagram)
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24th October 2009, 21:54
Thank you very much prospector - I had worked out the anagram but couldn't see the reason for the answer.
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