¨By mid-afternoon father returns with a spring onion. The mean wretch¨
The answer is a word for a 'mean wretch' (Chambers definition is 'a rascal; a low, mean wretch.¨)
The wordplay is -
'By mid-afternoon' = R (the middle letter in the word afternoon)
'Father returns' = PA < AP
'Spring onion = SCALLION (the leek, an onion with a slim bulb; a spring onion)
91) the answer is someone ¨who sought to beat the drinks ban¨ (a person involved in smuggling alcohol into the US during prohibition, especially by boat)
The wordplay -
¨Strange¨ = 3 letter word (also a name for a spirit much drunk in the Royal Navy)ç
¨athlete¨ = a person who is participates in athletics round the track.