27) 'Outside the House' - - H O - - -
'make fun of' a 4 letter word (around HO)
the answer is not a familiar word and refers to an 18th century aristocratic ruffian in London.
74) There are two answers circulating .... I have seen discussion on earlier thread wherethe forum members agreed to disagree!
'A man of high social standing' = Rank
Chambers defines Rank as 'position in society; etc; high standing; esp social .... '
'On the way' .... as in what a jockey is when on a horse ....
The two words are defined in Chambers 'a hard rider; a mosstrooper; a highwayman'
88) 'Unusually' signals an anagram harsh rains in (12 letters in all)
This is the name of an assassin who struck in the ballroom of the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles.
(Ineterstingly, both names are the same!