Thanks as always, Jolan. How you keep up the high standard is a mystery to me.
1. Take advantage of a rodent in a maze (5,2)- Trade on? (anagram of a rodent)
2. Old divisions appear when members take one on (7) –Legions? (Members- legs, take I (one) +on- legions – old divisions)
3. A bar of soap? Thank you! (6)- Cheers? (a bar in the soap opera was Cheers – now a synonym for Thank you)
4. Unquestionable Queen bales out and becomes an Olympic star (5,4) - Usain Bolt? (Unquestionable without “queen” is an anagram of Usain Bolt)
5. Sailor repeatedly takes drug with lip dressing (7,5)- Tartare Sauce? (Tar repeated +e for drug + lip for sauce)