Hi! Just home. All went very well.
Thank you P@, GK, Andyc and ab.
As usual, Tony's "efforts" are spot-on. I'll include my workings, just for completion (though Tony's leave nowt to add.
Just to say the "in gossip" was necessary as a 'homophone' incicator (as Tony has included.
And, SIDE = .....; a pretentious are; ARROGANCE (inf), in Chambers Dict. Chambers Thes has arrogance = side (slang).
1. (cryptic) MUSICAL CHAIRS
2. anag (may result in) TWELVE PLUS ONE
3. bloomer = gaffe; bloomer cut = GAFF = one’s private accommodation (Chambers)
4. (homophone = gossip) Arrogance = SIDE, sounds like; sighed = whispered
5. worker = hand; drink = ale; worker consumes drink = h(ale)and; (to) get = hear; extremely tipsy = ty; get extremely tipsy = hear + ty. HALE AND HEARTY = sound (= fit)
Thank you for the very kind comments. Hope to see you next week. Helen fully recovered now and able to 'give me a hard time' again. LOL