Welcome to CLUE CHAIN.
The idea is to start with a cryptic clue - set by me this week.
The first correct solver, judged by the setter, is then invited to offer their clue and so on.
Once you have solved and then set a clue you cannot answer again for the time being - see below.
15 min time limit per clue and if not solved the setter must declare the clue 'open' and everybody can play again.
If an open clue is not solved quickly the setter should offer hints until someone can solve and continue.
Today's game closes around 4pm. If you would like to start CLUE CHAIN please volunteer next Monday.
This week's opening clue is carried over from last week. It was offered as a bit of whimsy just before the end but received answers far more ingenious than the intended one. Chambers gives it as 9 letters or 4-5; would not have wanted to get the punctuation wrong.
.? (4-5 or 9)
Murder on the bog? (9)