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3rd April 2012, 06:32
It all clicked last night, and I am just about there now. Great fun! Very reminiscent of Paul's previous Genius offering, if I remember correctly.
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chummy mummy

3rd April 2012, 12:33
I'm still despondent. About one third done.
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chummy mummy

3rd April 2012, 12:41
Is 29a. a word I might call someone who doesn't enjoy crosswords?

Any hints please for 12a.
Duo go off with bike to see travelling companion (9),
just to get me going in top right.
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3rd April 2012, 13:56
chummymummy, I'm new to this site loks really good!! If it helps, 29A and 12A are both anagrams, I don't see why a 29A wouldn't like crosswords,12A useful on holiday. Not sure of my 7D,21A Cheap American heater? Any hints appreciated.
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chummy mummy

3rd April 2012, 16:12
Thanks nacw. For 29 I was thinking PHILISTINE but couldn't see how it fitted with rest of clue. I now see the error of my ways. Have sorted 12a also.
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3rd April 2012, 16:18
12a is an anagram of duo go and bike.
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3rd April 2012, 16:28
neveracrossword - 7dn, 21ac is one of the nonsensical ones. The whole will give you an 19 (4,20).
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3rd April 2012, 17:32
Thanks peterm, I think I catch on to 4 20, 19 but I have no idea what 21a can be given my answer to 7d, it truly makes no sense to me!
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3rd April 2012, 17:39
If your 7dn is an element, you're almost there.
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3rd April 2012, 17:49
Hi peterm - it is and I'm sure it is correct, but the only 3 letter word I know of which follows seems incorrect.Will just keep trying!
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