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6th September 2009, 20:12
...where the clues, I find, are often a bit iffy.

"Of course on the track he makes enquiries" = steward. Is this clue even cryptic?

"An agent is no loud performer". A-T-R. Gotta be Actor but why?

"Gets muddled for a wee while with different viewpoints". T-N-L-S. That'll be Tangles. Angles=points of view but where's the T from?

"Gets a shock and punishes the students". G-T-S. That'll be Gates (an anag) but why?

Many thanks as usual.
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6th September 2009, 20:17
1. An (as you say) rather iffy play on words

2. F (for loud) taken off factor (agent)

3. T is "wee time" - small time (iffy again!)

4. Gates is the university term for keeping students in

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6th September 2009, 20:22
Factor without F(forte- means loud in music-I'm a bit vague as to why Agent=Factor tho)

a wee while = a small time = T. different viewpoints = angles.

"Gets a shock and punishes the students". G-T-S.
If a pupil is Gated (at boarding school) S/He is not allowed to leave the school boundaries.
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6th September 2009, 20:24
"An agent is no loud performer"
Actor - (f)actor - no loud so remove f
one definition of factor - a person who acts or transacts business for another; an agent.

"Gets muddled for a wee while with different viewpoints". - T comes from shortened Time or wee while.

"Gets a shock and punishes the students".
gets a shock means the letters "gets a" are jumbled and one form of punishment for students is gating/to gate a form of detention.

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6th September 2009, 20:27
Great stuff, thanks all. (Factors are common in Scotland.)
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