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23rd August 2011, 16:21
if you are sentenced "To be electrocuted", you are sentenced "to fry".
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23rd August 2011, 19:05
Fair enough, Trevor. But then should'nt the answer be "to fry". Suppose a simple clue in a non-cryptic crossword were "to be executed by means of a noose" I would expect the answer to be "hanged" not "hang".

Another quibble with this crossword. 22d says the answer is two words but Chambers (on which this is based) gives it as one. Maybe it's not important but why not just get it right?

On a happier note, if any of you have an iPad I can recommend the Chambers dictionary app.
12 of 21  -   Report This Post


23rd August 2011, 19:45
On an even happier note, if any of you have a bookshelf, I can recommend using it to store your Chambers dictionary, which you can access by turning over the pages.
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23rd August 2011, 19:53
Elf & safety, Papercuts?
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24th August 2011, 13:30
thanks all for your answerrs.

I'm having difficulty finishing as I don't really follow the preamble. What do I do with the 4 lines of the verse?
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24th August 2011, 13:35
hi Tommy

I take it you've removed/added the word in the second row of the verse, and removed the letter from row three?

For the first line you should amend the top right of the grid to read (down)(the) CITY RoaD
In line with the final bit of the verse you should 'Pop' (the) WEASEL - i.e remove.
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25th August 2011, 05:27
Re post 13 - why the sneering and sarcasm? The point is that you can search for anagrams and words with missing letters. And if you don't approve of that then why be on a site like this?
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25th August 2011, 12:43
Can anyone help me with 5d, 6d and 15a
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25th August 2011, 13:26
15a Bania ...misprint F

5d Omenta

6d War(m)ing
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25th August 2011, 16:12
Thanks Tony - all finished now.
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