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18th August 2011, 15:19
Muchly chuffed to see the FT crossword approved of; look at the fifteensquared site and from the few responses given to the day's solutions, f'rinstance with the Grauniad's, you'd think that only Mrs Nobody and her budgie did it. I print it off and play when there's a Paul or an Araucaria I can't even start...
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18th August 2011, 15:28

I think that, for me, it's a matter of attitude. I tend to do the crossies with my old man (we each have a printed copy). Sad innit! Sometimes we can romp through it and at other times, even have a problem with Rufus (Guardian) and Dante (FT) when both of them are compiled by the same person!

A tea-time crossword is usually a nightmare for me as it has so many possible answers and I find the same about most quizzes, which is why I rarely attempt them.

One for cheap thrills? That's me!
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18th August 2011, 16:04
Wendy: whatever keeps the old grey cells moving - a hard crossword not completed is as much a success as a doddle done.
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