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3rd August 2011, 16:32
Thank goodness TrevorK ...I thought the heat had affected me :0)
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3rd August 2011, 16:33
sorry I meant TrevorMK !
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terry as was

3rd August 2011, 16:34
Get a grip girls (and TJ). It's just somebody who is registered as trevorMK or whatever it was. Possible variations are also infinite, look how many different sorts of terry there are. Besides if it was me or trevor messing about wouldn't it be a bit more punchy.
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3rd August 2011, 16:38
terry as was... I know there are many varieties of trevor or whatevor (joke)but the original post on the thread was terry. and when he edited to his new name, the whole of the thread changed as well. I thought that was weird, but I guess that is what happens. I need a cold drink :)
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terry as was

3rd August 2011, 16:40
sorry jazzgirl, didn't realise that.
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3rd August 2011, 16:44
that's OK terry as was (and maybe ever will be ) the G & T is going down fine :)
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3rd August 2011, 16:52
jazzgirl, my name in original post was trevor. Not terry. Check posts 3 and 7 for confirmation of that. It caused confusion so I used the edit option to make it trevorMK. 0nce again apologies for confusion. Think I need a G & T myself after this!
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3rd August 2011, 16:57
Hello TrevorMK. Sorry for my typo. I meant to type trevor. and not terry.
Cheers ! (clinks glass)
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3rd August 2011, 17:34
Reading that...I now need a G&T myself...Ahhh...loverly.

To save confusion, Maybe we should all re-register as our original name and add "that was"?

Okay...maybe not.

p@ that still is, and always has been... until further notice.

And that was my first foray for the A.S.O.H.
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terry as was

3rd August 2011, 17:50
I was thinking of changing my name. How does... Dick Thrust... grab you.
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