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sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)

23rd July 2011, 21:56
Oh so the John bit wasn't a figleaf of my imagination trevor!
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23rd July 2011, 22:15
not at all sally, i'd guess that your unmentionables are clearly visible.
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23rd July 2011, 23:51
Just a non related crossword story...

At the time of the Elephant Man film, there was a Indian restaurant who boosted the biggest Nan breads in Dundee...and they were big...HUGE!

A friend split one, stuck it on his head and did a amazing John (Joseph)Meyrick ..elephanty man impersonation...

we were all banned

Still makes me smile...

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terry as was

23rd July 2011, 23:55
I expect Meyrick would have laughed until he wetted himself if he had seen it.
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24th July 2011, 00:00
i repeat - Joseph/John "I am a human being! slobber" Merrick (not Meyrick).

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terry as was

24th July 2011, 00:10
the last time I saw anybody do an elephant impression it involved turning their trouser pockets inside out and, er,um.....I expect you can guess.
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24th July 2011, 00:23
Add some spectacles and it was somebody (i can't remember who) smoking a cigar.
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24th July 2011, 00:23
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terry as was

24th July 2011, 00:29
talking of cigars.

I once saw a comic crush a heckler spectacularly. The heckler had a full beard and was smoking a huge cigar. He kept on shouting out (unfunny) comments. After a while the comic paused,looked at him and said..."you remind me of a film star".....another pause,and then.."Lassie having a shit".
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24th July 2011, 00:40
HECKLERS...The scum of the earth...Sad Bstds who actually think they can be funny.

Have done a bit of "stand up" only had one heckler...

" You are fucking funny...No seriously for a wummin your actually funny...

Thanks pal....
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