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24th July 2011, 22:42
Oh Barrycat my heartfelt sympathies to you but I have to say it has really given me something to have a chuckle about tonight.
Did you say any naughty words when it happened I would certainly think you would have been well entitled to - make the most of getting as much TLC as possible from Mr Barrycat.
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25th July 2011, 13:21
Hi dear friends. Just wanted thank you all for your 'good wishes'. Although you cleverly disguised them with giggles and sarcasm I know what you really meant! Had to go to A&E last night. We knew there was something not right when my pinky kept pointing at me instead of away from me. And may I say, the neck collar looks rather fetching. The three black toes look like staying in bed when I get up and I personally think that's a bloody stupid place to put a wall. Okay I know it's holding up the roof, but surely in these days of technology, they could come up with a better idea.
The final indignity of it all, A twenty something doctor telling me Not to put Bedding on the floor. DUH! I KNOW THAT NOW. Any way, HWTHB is looking suitably contrite(or maybe bemused) and I'm going to play on this for at least a couple of weeks. (Or months or years.) Bye people, talk to you later.
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sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)

25th July 2011, 13:29
Sorry that went a bit wrong - try again!
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25th July 2011, 13:29
sallyw, the flowers are beautiful. Please accept my virtual thank you card.
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sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)

25th July 2011, 13:31
You are most welcome!
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25th July 2011, 13:47
Sending oodles of sympathy your way Barrycat and wishing you a very speedy recovery - poor little old you
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25th July 2011, 19:18
Ah well - all's well that ends well so to speak Barrycat. Now don't forget make sure the TLC keeps coming.
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25th July 2011, 19:20
sallyw - believe it ot not but I got all the pics by just clicking on all the gobbly gook !!
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sallyw (aka - the original sallyw)

25th July 2011, 19:35
Megan, I don't know what happened there, but nice to know it works! When I tried it I couldn't get it to.
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