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14th July 2011, 00:28
Heavens! My typing's slower that I thought!
Gosh! You lot are quick!
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14th July 2011, 00:33
Hi Karen, No word from the polis! but they thought they got a couple of good prints.

But heyho, as I said at some point yesterday, in the grand scheme of things it is trivia...annoying...but still trivia.

More exciting...I have a mange tout glut. it's like the day of the f'n triffids!

Been looking up recipes...but can't find a mange tout jam...yet!

Take care toots

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terry as was

14th July 2011, 00:36
what are you going to do when the polis work out that it was actually your toy-boy sex slave breaking OUT of the shed.
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the joker

14th July 2011, 00:37
Should your penultimate sentence not have read
"Looking up BEEN recipes"
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14th July 2011, 00:39
I will deal with that.

If, or when the occasion arises.

Now, I would rather we change the subject.
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14th July 2011, 00:43
Hi Pastille, sorry no recipes for mange tout jam,or any sort,I just eat them with lots of butter!
Hope the fingerprints find the nasty little B****r!
PS All trials and tribulations are relative.
I'm up late waiting for the painkillers to kick in! Not much longer I hope.xx
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14th July 2011, 00:49
Sorry, seem to have got even slower! Or do you all just get quicker
late at night?
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14th July 2011, 00:51
Sorry to hear you have pain.

Must sleep now.


p@ x
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14th July 2011, 01:07
Nighty night.xx
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