Since V may be wrong in conical basket clue, I'll give all the clues and pl. solve. I have written the answers which I feel may be right. You may correct them.
1a. Ajanta and -------(6)ELLORA
1d. Hire (6)E????? (may be ENGAGE, EMPLOY, ENROLL, ENLIST}
2d. A solid, exposed surface of the earth(4)L??? (I wrote LAVA and that is why V the cutting letter in conical basket)
3d. Marauders, Looters or Plunderers(7)R?????S (may be ROBBERS or RAIDERS)
13A. Conical Basket (7) {first, third and fifth letters are third letter of 1d, 2d, 3d respectively and 7th letter is 2nd letter of 11D}
16A. Bonnet Occupants(4)(2nd letter is 5th letter of 3D and 4th letter is 4th letter of 11D)
11d.Explores, searches or seeks (6)?????S
{2nd letter is 7th letter of 13A and 4th letter is 4th letter of 16A}
Please help me to solve the above grid, mainly wrt 13A and 16A