Where does one get a copy of the Genius 96.
I have tried to find it, but no luck yet.
Not that I could do it, it intrigues me to see so many posts, I would love to have a look at one
Just finished this after a day and a half struggling and yes I did "cheat" by looking at the mega thread. It got me started and showed how to approach the puzzle. Couldn't have got there without it. Favourite was 9ac. Got a Portuguese city for 8dn by guessing but can't see where the break for it is. Could someone enlighten me please? The thread was a pleasure to read (until the last couple of pages) and showed how good this site can really be.
After last's nights "lively" debate on the moral position of using a help forum, can we just ignore "me" (as opposed to me), and others of a similar bent?