My nickname isn't Mata Hari for nuffin you know...mmwhawhaha!
Glad you liked Tmesis...what a stushie that caused!
And thrilled that it is one of StephengodthesunshinesoutofhisarseFry's favourite words. shhh I will say this quietly woowoo!
I follow the him on twitter...the man is "God" to me.I follow him on twitter.
Anywhichway...loverly to hear from you. Did you see Mamya's thread today? It was amazing...round and round we go.
Made me feel like a bit of an "interloper" but, I'm here so...People "Deal with it!"
Terry seems to have gone AWOL, How very dare he? I miss him...
Anyway, think I should go before I am slapped with a wet blanket!