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31st May 2011, 19:49
Neil M. I too had to look it up.

However, I can't count the number of times I've had to look up that which I thought was a really stupid answer to a clue, only to find out that the word really does exist!

Good on yer Pastille - answers are coming in well too - still thinking about mine.... don't hold your breath!
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the joker

31st May 2011, 20:10
Smites Pastille eg
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31st May 2011, 20:14
Please don't get me wrong. I am forever trying to induct friends into crosswords by showing how to get to an answer to a cryptic clue. Quite often I get the "aaaah I get it!" response. This is beyond that. I apologise if I offended
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31st May 2011, 20:42
Mrs told Elgreco to seperate.
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the joker

31st May 2011, 20:43
You appear to have missed the point of this fun thread.It is in fact not a crossword but the antithesis. To save you having to look up this word ,its meaning is "the direct opposite of".
This "competition" has been running for a few weeks now and is enjoyed by all those who participate in it.
It always astounds me that there are people who can't leave things alone and pour cold water on everything.
If you don't want to enter then why not just ignore the thread completely.
Yes,you have offended me.
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31st May 2011, 21:04
I sort of sympathize with Neilm,this has always been for fun and last weeks malayalaymanamalay was good fun but we originally said that clues should be well known but difficult to compose a clue for. Sorry Pastille.
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31st May 2011, 21:11
Ok Pastille you have me there, going to comsult Chambers, hopefully will be back in the morning!

Sleep tight all....
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31st May 2011, 21:13
I'd say something about this,but if I do I'll probably be accused of bayonetting babies or killing lady di or something. So I won't.
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the joker

31st May 2011, 21:13
I don't want to go on about this TonyW but the word is given,and to me it does not matter whether it is a "well known" word or an obscure word.
It is a simple matter to look up its meaning in the dictionary or on the net.
The "puzzle" is to construct a clue for that word,not to find that word.
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31st May 2011, 21:25
I think that something must be escaping me?I don't remember you getting involved at the start.Correct me if I am incorrect but I thought that terry,ixion and myself started this idea and the rule was the word had to be well recognized but difficult to compose a clue for .Grasp that you will have the reason for my complaint.
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