Wondering if anyone can solve this one, what is the correct spelling O or E for IMPOST?R, can be spelt both ways, but which to use for an Australian crossword....I think it's O in Australia, but not sure?
According to my dictionary the usual spelling is impostor but can also be spelt imposter. Don't think it makes any difference in British or Australian English.
Thanks Mistley, I agree with you, but I have to put one or the other, there can only be one right answer for the crossword, so I'm going with impostor.....Thanks again for your input....
The clue is pretender, the available letter are I?P?ST?R, so the answer is impost?r, I just wasn't sure of the spelling since you can spell impostor with an E also....but I've decided to stay with impostor....thank you for your comments.....
Sorry Qwerty
I had assumed(wrongly)that it was a cryptic crossword,when the wording of the clue may have helped.
Just goes to show you should not make assumptions.