Oh dear! Incredible, isn't it? Thank you Ixion, Sammy, Chrisg, Traver, AJT and Terry.
Missed it. But thanks is really due to you who had the super idea in the first place.
Thanks also Ixion and Chrisg for correcting that poor idiot XX. Getting it wrong will probably wound him/her deeply. We should be a little careful with the unfortunate XX. He/she's clearly a bit mentally disturbed with delusions of grandeur. Pointing out the error might send him/her over the edge.
I suppose he/she'll continue to spoil our weekly bit of fun (unless, of course he/she seeks help). I wonder should we continue?
Ah yes! I'll continue to put the usual batch on Tuesdays. It might be possible to try and shut ones eyes to his posting, difficult though that might be. You could still hold off ANY comment till 1700 and just answer as you normally would.
A complete BLANK in postings after XX's until 5 would be the best way of treating XX (& ABSOLUTELY no comment on his/her silliness). XX CRAVES attention. Let's not give it to him/her after this, Eh?