Hi Pastille. Hope you had a nice weekend. Unfortunately we seem to have a few gatecrashers and even more unfortunately I have responded to one or two. I know I shouldn't, but sometimes the devil just gets in me, if you know what I mean, and it's late and I can't sleep! Really I should just ignore, but I don't like bullies. Kissypoos back! ;0)
Cheers Chald, and yes I am Welsh! I just get fed up of the nastiness from some people. It's easy to hide behind a pseudonym and be insulting, but these people probably wouldn't say jack s**t face to face and I am sick of the cowards. Sorry. it's been a long day and I have things on my mind. When you look at the terrible things that people have to deal with day by day, then sometimes these little irritations can just get to you. I will think calm thoughts andchill out!x