Please look away now if you don't want to read my whinge ...
-------------------------- WHINGE ALERT !! ------------------------------
Unfortunately, a few weeks ago HTML tag functionality in our posts was removed by Ash, this site's owner. Recently it was replaced by a very limited poor-man's version which allows bold, italics and underlining and attempts to recognise URLs in our posts, although the latter does not allow us to make regular text in our posts to be made into clickable links.
In my opinion, it's a pity that normal HTML tag functionality wasn't just reinstated to how it was up until a few weeks ago. This would have been an easier and quicker way to return things to how they were - and much more in the spirit of a consistent and engaging web experience.
My perception is that the
unrelated issue of spammers and moderation of this web site got muddled into the (IMO hitherto non-existant) issue of abuse of HTML tags within our posts. Again my guess - it was probably very easy for Ash to just switch off ability use of all HTML tags within our posts and so that was done even though, in itself, that did not address by one iota the issue of spammers and trolls.
-------------------------- END of WHINGE ------------------------------
The above said, I think this site still serves a need, hope that it continues and that Ash is at least financially breaking even on it.