2)Try for the bullseye (3,7)
5)Eamonn's curvie (6,7)
12)Daily info from Roy(3,4,9)
22)Physican (2,3) can't get Dr who out of my mind, but is that a radio programme?
28)Almost shaking in church (10)
47)Factory fun (7,8)
50)Francis' detective (4,6)
2.the archers
12 the news huddlines
28 quakermass
47 workers playtime
50. dick barton
any help with
7 masons special agent 4-6
17 six plus for sexton 6-5
41.youll find a full moon her 3-3-2-5
48. she led me.......2-3-6-4
thank you