Although I wouldn't have expressed it in the same terms as Alf Wit, I do believe that this is the inevitable consequence of what has been happening on this site for quite a while now. That is, by the end of Sunday, virtually every answer to the Sunday Times and the Observer Everyman is published. The Everyman is about as easy as any prize cryptic crossword could be. Although the prizes are pretty insignificant, the principal of "solving", should, in my view remain a contest between individual solver and the setter. So, what this cyber-sabotager is doing is actually shortening a process which happens anyway. Incidentally I strongly believe that this is not terry, but somebody who has noticed his vigorous defence of his own views as to how the site should operate, i.e. that all should be free to ask for and give answers. He is entirely entitled to this view and I fully understand his desire to help people get started on our harmless little hobby. This relies on people being honourable about submitting entries with which they have had help. The proliferation of requests for help with prize crosswords at the weekend would seem to indicate that most people are seeking "completion" in order to submit. I'm afraid this grates with many people, myself included, because, not only is it a form of cheating, it is not going to enable those who do constantly seek answers to improve as solvers in their own right.