Sunday Morning, and a very good one to you all. Charlie and I have talked at length about certain kinds of posts, but like so many of you we decided that being part of such a delicious conversation with good people was better than abandoning the site altogether. So here we are again, delighted that so many have come to the same conclusion and that once again we see all the familiar names.
Bubbles - Charlie wishes me to say that he understands the pain you experience from time to time; he recommends sitting with your back to anyone who does not behave properly. He finds the silent protest both forceful and dignified. But he does say, don't retire to the back bedroom until your point has been made and acknowledged; discipline must be enforced for an orderly household. He feels that being sick on the carpet should only be used in the most extreme circumstances because of the strain on your delicate nervous system but there are times when he believes it to be the only way forward, however regrettable it may be. He also slipped in, against my wish I can tell you, that he would be intrigued to know how you deal with difficult humans. [Whether I tell him or not depends on several factors].
Almost forgot! The Crossword! Boring, had to cheat, but there....
Karen, have a wonderful birthday season all of you. We believe in birthdays here, having had considerable practise in celebrating them.
Final thought: wouldn't any robot worth its salt know how to spell banana?