Wendy asked,how many twerps are there.
Well, the chief twerp is Jo/sue/drey/stan/t/k/l/etc. who has been popping up on here for quite a while. To be fair she has moderated her language of late. She turns up late most evenings. I often reply to her,which I admit is probably a mistake. She is by no means as stupid as most of her postings make her appear.
Apart from the occasional visiting nutter I believe that most of the other objectional postings are made by regulars in morph mode. Regularly names that have never appeared before crop up, spit some acid, and disappear again. People willing to engage in a frank exchange of views (ok, an open row)are few and far between. Most prefer to morph so they can insult merrily but anonymously. For instance "crossword fan" only ever appears to tell Jo to f.o. In one "row" a regular morphed so he could call me a sodomist - in latin. I've said before,and often,that this ability to morph at will is the major problem on this site. As long as it remains nobody can be sure of who they are dealing with,whether so and so actually said that,and so on.
To come back to Jo. I don't know why people get so uptight about her. She usually appears when there is very little other traffic. So what is she interferring with. Certainly lately all the bad language comes from others-probably regulars-who don't like her presence full stop.
As for trevor, who can say. Personally I think he had a meltdown moment. But,hey,that can happen with anyone. If he still visits this site (and I'm sure he does) he will know that his numerous fans are begging him to return (me included). He disappeared for nearly three months a while back after being picked on by some utter loonie. I exect he'll show up again when he is ready.
Like I warned would happen, pixies are frantically emailing Ash. Objecting to this that and the other. Like this nonsense about children. Frankly, if you allow your grandchildren to use this site unsupervised you should be reported to the Social Services. It's not as if there have actually been any improvements to the site,quite the opposite really. I could go on.......but the rugby is starting.