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24th February 2011, 11:51
11D Tina's famous wedding location (4) ?a?a.
I'm pretty sure it's CANA but cannot see why.

22 A. Composer called an unfortunate, lacking ancestry (6) o?p?a?
Again, it must be ORPHAN but cannot see the wordplay.

Finally, one I can't answer.
19D. Nonsense writer, first name shortened with 25 (7) ?e?r?e?


Hope they're not too obvious.
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24th February 2011, 11:54

Tin is can + a makes cana

Orph soundlike orff the composer

Lear is nonsense writer- makes learned

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24th February 2011, 11:55
lear + ned short first name
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24th February 2011, 12:02
Ta muchly, djawhufc.
Horrified at myself for CANA. I'll fall on my sword, later.

Only vaguely heard of LEAR and never heard of Orff. Not too keen on clues that rely on general knowledge in a cryptic crossie. UNLESS it's REALLY general.

Mebbe Orff IS generally known and I'm just a bit of a thicko. There's always that!

Great to have your answers. Thanks again
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