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23rd February 2011, 19:56
Excellent news, thanks to Wendy for flagging it up (I hate that phrase!) and to Ash for his response.
I'm not sure about the AB comments; there are some topics I avoid, particularly at weekends.
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23rd February 2011, 20:06
Thanks Wendy for getting things sorted.
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24th February 2011, 00:08
Great stuff, Wendy, and the rest of the forum, for pointing out some problems to Ash and his team!
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24th February 2011, 00:08
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24th February 2011, 07:38
Thanks for your thanks.

For Terry:
Time will tell, of course, but a Moderator's job isn't to stop us having fun - posting risque comments etc. Anyone who does the Guardian crossword when Paul's the setter will know that he often uses body parts in his answers - these aren't intended to be openly rude - just humourous.

However, it would be nice to get rid of the little prat who clogged up the site with stupid Posts again last night. I'm sure all of us have got better things to do than wade through that drivel.

Personally, Id rather turn off the pc and lard the cat's boils!
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24th February 2011, 12:19
Surely the best way to deal with this person is to ignore and NEVER respond to their postings. I know some of it is offensive, but you don't pour petrol on a fire. I know I've done it myself and posted a response because I've been annoyed, but attention is obviously what this person craves, so let's just try ignoring them, like you would any attention seeking child, and maybe they will find somewhere else to go and play.
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24th February 2011, 12:35
My two'pennorth:
I don't see a problem with a little light moderation, but I think that the real need is for each identity to be unique and linked to one email address, to prevent trolls masquerading as genuine posters. I also don't have a problem with chat drifting away from crosswords occasionally -- we can only provide solutions when the clues are there to be answered, so inbetween times what's wrong with swapping HTML tips, reminiscences, knitting patterns and so on? The key is that it's done, as it usually is between the core 'solvers', with respect.
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24th February 2011, 13:26
SallyW & Bullfrog,

I heartily agree with both of your Posts.

However... slowly slowly catchee monkey!
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