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13th February 2011, 17:46
Thanks cmk.

The only bit I could find about Jonabad,is that he was assuring the king that only Amnon was killed. Also, he seems to have been adopted by the Rechibites, so I suppose he would have been sober at the time.

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13th February 2011, 17:55
Going for my tea, Guys, so will catch up later.

Normally, I don't have too much hassle with this crossword, and this is supposed to be the easy grid. I still have to tackle the cryptic clues and they look a bit weird this week.

Catch you soon.

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13th February 2011, 17:56
I think that the answer to this clue is out of my league.I'm still trying but do not expect much.
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the joker

13th February 2011, 18:17
Hi Pipesmoker
Despite trawling the catholic encyclopedia and two refills of ST Bruno I regret that I cannot come up with an answer.
I would second Jonabad but not entirely convinced. Perhaps the setter is a but mixed up as who Absalom did in fact kill.
Bearing in mind that this is the Catholic Herald and not The Tablet???!!
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13th February 2011, 18:22
So is this a GK clue,and am I wasting time looking for anagrams,EVILMAN e.t.c. ?
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13th February 2011, 18:39
jonadab is my last attempt.evil=bad(dab)man =jon? and jonadab was said to assist absalom in the murder.Please keep me informed of the answer.
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13th February 2011, 18:42
Joker, you may well have a point.

Tonyw, some of it is GK, but not all. That's why I am wondering if it has nothing to do with Absalom. Perhaps Joker is right and the setter thinks Amnon has seven letters, including two As.

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13th February 2011, 19:59
Thanks all. I guess I will go with Jonabad or Jonadab or whatever his name is. You would think when the Bible was written that they would have given thought to crosswords in the 21st century, and included a verse like 'and Absalom slew.....'

Time to move on to the cryptic version. Even if you have never heard of some of the words, it is still possible to work out the answers.

Thanks again.

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18th February 2011, 12:48
Got the answers to last week's crossword, and Jonadab was correct. I don't know where this is written, and since I was not present at the event, must take their word for it.

I don't know yet whether I have won a prize. The crossword appears in week 1, the answers in week 2 and the prize winners in week 3.

Again, many thanks to all who contributed to this.
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18th February 2011, 13:25
At last I can get some sleep!
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