I've sent this to ASH, I'm sure none of you will be interested but I felt I just had to!
I have been contributing and enjoying the crosswordsolver site and am quite dismayed to see that there doesn't seem to be anyone in control.
See the new thread entitled
BORING *UCKER LES which was started on 06 February at 22.27
Clearly you are selling advertising and the forum has an enormous following.
You are, however, doing yourself no favours at all by allowing words such as *ucker and *ank to go unmonitored.
I have no axe to grind and I'm not after a job either!! I just hate to see something go to waste which is what will
happen when your advertisers realise what type of site they're advertising on.
There are a couple of contributors who could easily be given access to a "delete" button when things go wrong.
Hopefully you may avail yourself of their services.