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30th January 2011, 18:04

2dn - When to start on christmassy things - or be extremely reluctant?

Can I just have some hints please, not the actual answer? Also, for those who didn't do the crossword, it may contain a British river which is disregarded in the clue. Thanks!
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monkey puzzle

30th January 2011, 18:08
Think of a month before Xmas ?
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30th January 2011, 18:09
First of all, I think the answer is there before you .Secondly,I think it is a bit earlier than I would start preparations.
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30th January 2011, 18:09
Monkey Puzzle ...... it comes after Christmas as well ! lol
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30th January 2011, 18:12
Aha! Thanks. Do you know which clues contain the rivers by any chance? I've only found seven, and there's only two clues left! 8, 12, 15, 16, 21, 3 and 7 are the ones I'm aware of.
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30th January 2011, 18:22
icvotria-I made them 25ac, 5d,14d,18d,20d though not 15 ac.
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30th January 2011, 18:23
neither 15a or 15d contains a river - the others are 6-14-16-18-20
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30th January 2011, 18:24
sorry 5 not 6
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30th January 2011, 19:53
guardian 25232 I am stuck on the bottom left
corner Could somebody help me with 16 ac
"xerophyte is kingĀ£
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30th January 2011, 20:03
Tyrell - it's one of the themed answers. The first part of the answer is a river in SW England.
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