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25th January 2011, 13:33
Just 18 minutes from start to finish - is this a record? Noshes was the tricky one though - "centres of" indeed - makes a nice change from "initially"
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25th January 2011, 13:34
Can I make a request. If you do up the ante can I ask that you continue to avoid archaic words. I so hate having to plough through three feet of dictionaries or trawl the depths of cyber-space to confirm some word last uttered by a human being 300 years ago.
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25th January 2011, 13:39
I agree completely. I thought I actually HAVE avoided "archaics" except for once, when I indicated its presence. Certainly none of this week's offerings are marked 'archaic' in Chambers
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25th January 2011, 13:41
In my ancientness I misread your post. You did say "CONTINUE TO AVIOD... So sorry.
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25th January 2011, 13:59
Another suggestion. When you role out your new super-thread you might want to consider adding something along the lines of "please don't post solutions until (say) 5.00pm".
This would give everybody a chance to consider all of the clues at their leisure rather than take part in a race. Of course,some people will ignore the request or jump the gun on the time, but we can always heap abuse on them.
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25th January 2011, 14:18
Certainly! 5 p.m. it is BUT "super-thread" ??? Ha, ha! That's really put the wind up me.
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